Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mother and Son

Hi everyone! It's Andy this time. With our crazy schedule lately, we will be sharing blogging responsibilities for a while :)

Kylie is so amazing. The past 11 days have been the absolute worst, but also the best, days of our lives. Through them all, she has been tremendously strong. Occasionally breaking but never losing it, she has set a tone and example that puts me at ease. These are the foundations of our family unit, and I am fortunate to have someone like her leading it.

Also, a personal thank you to everyone offering thoughts and prayers for us. It is powerful. When you hear the doctors and nurses say things like "Boys like him never recover this quickly" and "He looks so good", there is so much at play. We know his success is a result of the science that provided an early diagnosis and a non-invasive repair, but it also the loving energy that surrounds us and consumes us. Thank you for that.


  1. Kylie, you may have carried Jameson, but he is all his Daddy's child, he looks just like Andy in some of the shots. But you are as georgous as always and your Mom side is beautiful to look at.

  2. Thanks Gail! He is definetly his Daddy's son! I am just hoping those light blue eyes stay, at least I can get one feature ;)

  3. Andy, reading this from you just absolutely melted my heart. And I agree completely, Kylie is AMAZING! JD could not be any more handsome, his little features are so adorable. We have been praying and our prayers will continue for the Lord to bless your wonderful family. Thank you for the slide show! We love you guys:).

  4. I feel like I want to tell you I'm proud of you but not in a parental way...I'm just proud of you and Andy. Your boy is lovely Kylie. Congrats on going home, it's the best in the world. Can't wait to meet him. I'll have to lose the 10lbs I've gained since I've seen you. I wouldn't want him to think I was phat. Peace Keri Lee
