Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hudson is 4 months old!

So we have another healthy healthy baby boy! Let me set the scene of the doctor visit for his 4 month checkup :) The nurse takes us back to the exam room and weighs and measures Hudson. When I saw his weight I thought, "hmmm that seems heavier than I thought!" A few minutes later Dr. Lisa comes in looking at his chart and is laughing, then she looks at him and laughs harder. So then I knew maybe he is on the chunky side :) Here are the stats; Weight is 18 lbs. 5.5 oz. (95th percentile) and Height is 23.75 inches (10th percentile) head circumference is 17 inches. So apparently the proportions are a little off.....oops :) Poor Huddy got put on a little 'baby diet" :( He was eating 6 oz. of formula every 3 hours!!! Now he is down to 4 oz. every 3-4 hours and we started solids. He is getting cereal and fruit 2x a day. He is loving the solids! He smiles through the entire feeding unless I am slow to the mouth with the spoon ;) Below is the video from his first spoon feeding
P.S. If you want a chuckle compare JD and Hudson's 4month stats :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cuties from the Month

I am having a hard time finding the time to blog as often :( So you will get a months worth of pictures and videos in one posting :) These are just some cute and funny stuff from the month

Uncle Aric got this shirt for JD when he was born and we thought fitting that Hudson needed to wear it as well :)

Hellooooo Ladies!!!

"Mom do these wedges make my butt look big?" :)

I've been making Green Smoothies (fruits, kale and spinach) in the morning from Andy and I. I decided to give JD a taste one day and now he loves them! Great way for me to get green veggies down him :)

We went through the storage unit the other day and I found my Prom Queen tiara and sash from high school. I thought Mylie Jo would love it and I was right :) She is such a princess!

There is really so much to say about this picture but I am just going to let it speak for itself ;)

Everyone eats an apple in the bath, right???

Huddy chillin in the Bumbo

Mylie holding Hudson, after she held him she said, "Ok now I feed him!" :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mama's Day

What a wonderful day!!! My boys spoiled me today! Hudson and I slept in while Andy woke up at 5:30am with JD :( When I woke up there was 2 beautiful cards and gifts! Then Andy went and picked up breakfast at Einstein's. We had a lovely morning with our little family and then went to my mom's for some more family time! We ate, swam, drank and ate some more :) Beautiful day here in the valley of the sun!!!
Happy Mother's Day to my mom Cathy, Andy's mom Marie, my sister Kelley and my sister-in-law D'Ann! You are all such amazing mothers and we feel so lucky to call you family!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


We hosted Easter at our house this year! We had an egg hunt with about 75 eggs hidden in the yard. The kids had a great time hunting. The D'Ambrosi's joined us and we had some great food! It was a gorgeous day here in Phoenix and we took full advantage.

We colored eggs the Thursday before at Nana and BooBoo's house!