Monday, October 12, 2009

Meet Jameson Dean Kirkland

Jameson Dean Kirkland has made his entrance into this world. He arrived October 9th at 4:18pm. He weighed in at 5 pounds 14 ounces and 19 inches long. Just a little peanut :) I had a c section and everything went well. He came out screaming (which the NICU team did not want to happen) but I was kind of glad to hear him. The intibated him right away so no more screams after that. I did not get to see him until later that night, but Andy was right there and said he was perfect! The NICU team wisked him away and Andy went with the baby while I was getting stitched up. Lots happened to poor Jameson in those first few hours. The short story is that his diaphragmatic hernia was on the smaller side. So he was strong and stable enough to wait it out a few days so they could fully assess the situation to make sure they knew exactly what they were working with before surgery. After many xrays, scans, and assesments they decided to do the surgery today, October 12th at 1:30pm. It was a rough morning but Jameson made it through the surgery with flying clolors. They were even able to perform it laproscopically, which means they made 2 small incisions (one for the camera and one for the tools). They were able to push his colon and intestines back down into their natural resting place, repair the hernia, and pump his right lung up all through a scope. We even got before and after pictures of the hernia and his lung! Unbelievable!!!
The surgeons were extrememly happy with how the surgery went. As were we :) The neonatologists, pediatric surgeons, anestisiologist, and nurses are all extremely optimistic about Jameson's prognosis.
At this time, Jameson is stable and resting peacefully. We could not believe how well he looked coming out of surgery, he is still nice and pink :) He is still using a respirator to breathe with but tomorrow he will start to be weened off of that. They are already lowering his blood pressure meds too! Once he is breathing on his own we will start with the feeding process. They will start with my milk through a feeding tube in very small amounts. Because of the nature of his hernia, his body is retraining his bowels so it will be a slow and steady process of digestion.
So all in all, this was the best case scenario for this diagnosis. At the end of the day we have a beautiful baby boy that is a miracle on so many levels! We love you so much Jameson Dean and already we don't know what we ever did without you!


  1. He is beautiful and we are so happy all is well!! Your strength through all of this has been inspiring, you both are already amazing parents!! Can't wait to watch Jameson grow and thrive!!

  2. Good Pic's! What a ride this last weekend has been. I believed it before but now I really believe that God only gives you what you can handle, and the two of you handled this beautifully. Kristen is right, it was very inspiring to see your strength. Keep staying stong and before you know it that baby while be safe in your arms :)

  3. Oh Kylie, that is such wonderful news. He is just a little doll and I LOVE his name! Welcome to this world little Jameson:).

  4. Kylie - I get choked up every time I read about the baby or see pictures. Six years later and I still can't view anything regarding a NICU and not dissolve into tears! Aaahh!! I am so glad that he did well through his surgery and that you were able to hold YOUR SON! :) Praying he gets stronger every day and is home with Daddy and Mommy soon.

  5. Thanks everyone for all the sweet comments. He is doing so well, everyday there is a new milestone. It is an uphill battle but Jameson is running not walking up this hill! He is a fighter and we are already such proud and grateful parents.
