Well this month has been CRAZY!!! With our move to Seattle on the horizon (which I have not officially posted on the blog, oops) we have been terribly busy packing and such so my blogging has taken a backseat. I do promise once we get settled in Seattle I will ramp up again :)
Jameson's vocabulary is flourishing daily! It is so fun to hear him say a new word or phrase that I didn't expect him to say! Bath time is a great time for learning and he has taken a liking to our little word game we play every night! insert video :(
Hudson is adorable as ever. He is the smiliest baby I have ever met! He is becoming quite the jibber jabberer and loves to watch his brother play. He has recently started sitting in the walker and will probably start cruising around in another month or two.
Huddy is growing so fast. We have to come meet the little guy. We also cannot post video so must be problem with blogspot. We're doing it via youtube. Good luck with the move!!