Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is it a boy or a girl???

We had an ultrasound today and found out we are having another sweet boy!!! We are so excited! We, of course, would have loved a girl too but having 2 boys so close in age is going to be a blast :) We can't wait to meet our new baby boy and introduce Jameson to being a big brother! Today was a good day :)
By the way, everything else looked great in the ultrasound. All the organs, arteries, chambers, etc were all in their proper locations. Thank God!!! We are continuing to send healthy vibes to my womb for a continued "normal" pregnancy!!! So please do the same!
Here are the pictures from today's ultrasound :)

If you are interested here is the link to Jameson's ultrasound pictures at the same age!


  1. We are so excited too! Can't wait to meet this little squirt! I feel like he is going to look just like you.

  2. Congrats! It will be a lot of fun to have two boys so close (and you don't have to buy new clothes). We are praying for a great pregnancy and a healthy baby.
